Men's Circle

This men’s circle is a safe space for men together to share, talk, and find a way forward. 

Walking through life can be difficult sometimes, and we often need the freedom to speak and express ourselves without fearing being judged or ridiculed.

Men's Circle Mission

My mission with this circle is to help men be allowed to put into words what they are going through and also see that other men are going through similar experiences. 

I envision that this circle will nurture confidence in men to be their most authentic selves and receive the tools to discover what it means to be a man in the 21st century. 

I believe that everyone has to discover this for themselves through their own self-development journey.

I hope the circle will cultivate camaraderie and a sense of belonging. 

Men's Circle Purpose

Socially, we are going through a change in what it means to be a man. Historically, society expects men to be overly masculine: the provider. This has changed drastically over the last 100 years. These days, society now expects men to be more feminine. 

There has been a strong backlash towards this change, whilst I firmly believe in balance and that many of the changes we have seen are good. Yet, that does not mean we should disregard all masculine traits from our way of being; there should be a balance. 

Over time, this men’s circle will explore what a balanced man is. 

The hope for the Men's Circle

Another inspiration for starting this circle is that the statistics on men’s health are staggering: 

  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 35
  • 3 out of 4 people who die by suicide are men
  • 87% of people who sleep on the street are men
  • Men are far less likely to access psychological therapies 

So my ambition is that this circle will be one intervention amongst many to improve those numbers. 

This circle is for 18+ people who identify as men only because men need healing too. 

All men are welcome.

Through listening, sharing stories and more, I believe we can create a common ground where men who would typically never interact will get a chance to do so and learn from each other. 

This circle is not therapy, yet, it can be therapeutical.

The sessions will last approximately 75-minutes, and each person will be given the space to talk uninterrupted. You can talk about whatever you like for the duration of your section.

Towards the end of the session, we will open into dialogue and explore shared ideas.

Setting the scene and creating a shared agreement
Opening Rounds
Time to Talk and Listen
Open Dialogue
Closing Round

Why am I hosting a Men's Circle?

I am hosting this Men’s Circle because there is a need, and I’m observing that men rarely attend many of the other spaces I create for healing. Therefore, I have created this space for men only to attract men who would typically not show up at these other sessions.  

The Men’s Circle Facilitation Approach

At the Men’s Circle, I will use elements from Time To Think from Nancy Kline to facilitate the space. You can learn more about the method on her website and by reading her latest book, The Promise That Changes Everything. 

I am particularly fond of this approach because it creates a safe space for independent thinking and sets up the container, so everyone knows what is happening. 

I have worked with this approach for nearly ten years and am a trained Time To Think Coach. I have also completed other elements of the practice. 

This approach is powerful because it creates a well-defined container for thinking, healing, and much more. 

A bit about me

I am a qualified coach, facilitator, mental health first aider and healer. I had a very chaotic childhood which led me to pursue all the knowledge I could think about wellbeing, healing, psychology, and so much more to understand what it means to feel well in myself. 

I am very drawn towards holding this space for men because I do feel I have something to contribute and believe men need it.