King of Coins Tarot Card: An Explanation

Leading our life in a good way can be tricky; the King of Coins Tarot Card asks us to reflect on how we are currently leading our lives.

The card asks us to bring into our life the energy of logic, reason and planning. It also asks to adopt healthy habits, set challenging goals, take responsibility and set healthy boundaries to complete our projects. Our time is now.

As individual Spiritual Human Beings, we have complex needs, boundaries, expectations, ways of responding to situations and particular life experiences that form who we are.

On top of that, we have to interact and collaborate with other people who also are individual Spiritual Human beings with their own stuff. 

Not to mention societal expectations, advertisement, and many other external pressures layered on top of our minds. 

Regardless of that, the King of Coins Tarot Card points out that we have some room for improvement, and we can do better than we are currently doing. 

I think that the guides are asking us to reflect on how we can bring more of the energy of the King of Coins Tarot Card into our lives. 

You can start by asking yourself: what are the steps that you can take? 

So many people think that you need to make significant transformative changes for positive change to occur. Not at all – there is a great quote that goes: If you improve by 1% every day, within a year, you’ll have improved by 365%. 

In other words, small changes over a more extended time will make a huge difference. It could be as tiny as journaling one sentence every day or reading a page of a book. 

king of coins tarot card

Interestingly, I observe many people move through their lives without questioning their choices and running on autopilot, without reaching their full potential as thriving, flourishing people. 

Not to forget, everyone has a spiritual lesson to move through; at the same time, we do have some free will, which means that we can make changes to improve our situation. 

I also do not want this to come across as an oversimplification because I am well aware that many people are going through the most horrific experiences that I cannot even imagine.

At the same time, if you are reading this about the King Of Coins Tarot Card, the guides ask you to do some self-auditing to see whether there are any areas you can improve on in your life. You are the only person who can truly own that journey. You can, of course as for help, but you need to take responsibility for making changes to your life. 

By channelling the energy of the King of Coins Tarot Card, you can get so much further than you imagine.

What is important to remember is when I do a Psychic Tarot Reading for an individual, the meaning might change because of the circumstances of that person.

king of coins tarot card

How to activate the energy of the king of coins tarot card in your life 

In my life, I have found journaling to be one of the most helpful practices to get to the root of my experience.  If you have a tarot deck, pick up the King of Coins Tarot Card, hold it in your hand whilst you meditate and then see what you feel.

Ask yourself, what type of feelings, thoughts and sensations does it bring forward? And what does that mean for your life?

Articulate your purpose 
Everyone has a purpose in life, whether you are aware of that or not. When we become aware of our purpose, that can help us become more focused and directed in our work. As well as become more clear about what we want to say yes and no to. 

Understand your values 
Like purpose, knowing your values becomes a compass for your life and how you want to live it. You can set your boundaries up around your values. Every time a situation comes up that you are unsure about, you can ask yourself: is this in alignment with my values? 

What are the values that you can learn from the King Of Coins Tarot Card?

king of coins tarot card

Meditation is perhaps the most powerful practice that I have in my life as it helps me distance myself from my thoughts and feelings and connect myself with my spiritual self and spiritual guides who support me on my journey. 

Improve your habits 
James clear says: “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

I strongly agree with him – and that is why considering our habits and how we can improve them are essential. 

Tor Njamo would recommend picking up Atomic Habits by James Clear. 

Set goals 
Goals are important goals posts. As humans, we like to measure, and goals help us focus on where we are going. 

Ask for help 
There is no shame in asking for help. If you are struggling, ask for help. 

A final word, as the title of this text, says, remember to channel the energy of the king of coins tarot card to direct your foresight. You have so much more power and agency than you think. Always remember that.


Written by Tor Njamo, Psychic Medium and Healer.

He holds space for healing, bringing forward messages from Spirit and helping others reawaken their Inner Senses. 

He is passionate about helping people create calm in a chaotic world.