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Ten of Cups Tarot: An Explanation

Ten of Cups Tarot

Ten of Cups Tarot Card wants to remind us that when we are in our physical life, we can indulge, lavish in excess, spend time with loved ones and enjoy the spoils of hard work.

You are allowed to take a step back, rest, and enjoy the success that you have created for yourself. When you pick up the Ten of Cups Tarot Card, that is the message it wants to convey. 

On my deck, the Ten of Cups Tarot Card depicts two people sitting with each other comfortably. One of them sits on a comfortable chair, whilst the other is lying on a soft cushion. The person on the chair is pouring wine into the mouth of the other, and they are clearly enjoying themselves. Both of them are wearing comfortable clothing, behind them is a growing flower, and they live the good life—one without trouble or worry.  

Laughter is often missing from our lives. We have to pay our bills, hit deadlines, and the expectations are high. The Ten of Cups Tarot Card is trying to say that it is ok to laugh and enjoy. 

Tarot Ten of Cups

On the flip side, depending on the other cards you draw this card with, the Ten of Cups Tarot Card may be communicating that you are living in too much excess and that it is time to cut back. 

Living in too much excess and drawing only upon external rewards can also harm our sense of wellbeing. Therefore, we must always try to strive for balance in all things. Otherwise, we can lose touch with reality. 

Everything that we have can be taken away from us in the flicker of a moment. So we must cultivate that inner strength to deal with all the different challenges of life. 

In a Psychic Tarot Reading, you will notice that the combination of the cards will alter the meaning of the reading—I always tailor my reading to the individual sitting in front of me. I only use the cards as a springboard for my psychic mind to jump off most of the time.

If you begin delivering readings for other people, you will have to do the same. Remember that what you are doing is a combination of a tarot reading and an aura reading. Because everything about us, the past, present and future, sits within the pattern of our auric field. 

You can learn more about psychic development by exploring the different offerings that are outlined on my homepage.

Ten Of Cups Card Tarot

How to activate the energy of the Ten of Cups Tarot Card

As I mentioned above, you always have to consider the combination that you pull your cards. If you only draw one card, that is easier, but you always have to bring others into the mix when others are present. 

  1. Ask yourself: What is the card trying to help me think of? Am I working too hard and not enjoying the spoils of my hard work? Or am I living in too much excess, and I need to cut back? Only you know the answer to that question. 
  2. Hold the card whilst you are practising meditation. That will lead your mind to know what the intention of that meditation is. Afterwards, reflect on the types of sensations, thoughts and feelings that come towards you.
  3. Let us say you pull the card in the morning; when evening arrives, reflect over how the energy of that card showed up in your life during that day. 

Ten Of Cups Card Tarot

Summary of the Ten of Cups Tarot Card 

  • You are allowed to rest and enjoy the spoils of your hard work. 
  • If you live in too much excess, perhaps this is a message to cut back to live a simpler life. 
  • Find out what the cards mean to you and how the energy is showing up in your life.

I’d love to know how you get on with exploring the different meanings of the tarot cards in the comment section below. 


Written by Tor Njamo, A Speaker for Spirit and Healer. 

He holds space for healing, bringing forward messages from Spirit and helping others reawaken their Inner Senses. 

He is passionate about helping people create calm in a chaotic world. 

Click here to learn more.